First Time Brazilian
Brazilians for first time guests of Sphynxx!
Brazilians for first time guests of Sphynxx!
Above, below, and in between your eyebrow area. Includes trimming, waxing, and tweezing.
The out side of your nose, and inside the nostril.
Your upper lip and lower lip are included.
The sideburn area of your face. Starting at your lower hairline/ near the top of your ear, ending down the chin. Cheeks are included.
Hair removal starting from your lower lip ending at the base of your neck.
Upper or lower half of your arm.
Full arm hair removal. Shoulders are included.
Removal of the hair under your arm. Starting from the side of the chest, to the top of your underarm. Hair length should at least be one centimeter.
Removal of hair from the collar bone to the top of your stomach.
Hair removal from the top of your back to the bottom. Shoulders are included.
Lower/Mid/Upper back, or removal of patchy back hair.
Removal of hair from the top of your stomach to your bikini line.
Hair from the top of you bikini line, up your happy trail to the top of your stomach removed.
Removal of any hair that would show outside of your underwear/swimsuit.
Removal of any hair on the bikini line and the front of your bikini area.
Hair removal on your bikini area, also including a butt strip and bikini line.
Brazilian Wax Full Butt Wax Full Leg Wax
Hair from the top of your butt to the bottom (including the butt strip) removed.
Hair removal on your most inner back side.
Waxing the inner most part of your thigh, starting from your bikini line half way into your leg.
Eyebrow, sideburns, cheeks, nose, upper and lower lip, chin, and neck full waxed.
Starting at the bikini line down to your ankle.
Upper or lower leg hair removal. Knee is included with either service.
Extractions from the Brazilian area ranging from lack heads to ingrown hairs.
Full or partial head waxing.
Don’t feel like talking? That’s fine! This is your only me time? Okay! Maybe you’re not looking forward to social interactions? That’s alright! Schedule this with any wax and during the appointment words will be kept to a minimum.